The Honest, Semi-Embarrassing Story Behind The Best Shed-Building Team In Regional Victoria
From the time we built our very first shed 20 years ago in Bendigo, we have been dedicated to delivering premium custom sheds that meet your exact needs and exceed your expectations.
But… we’re a little embarrassed to say things didn’t go quite to plan in the beginning. Keep reading to hear our honest (warts and all) story. And the changes we made progressively made since then to ensure every customer is (nothing less than) delighted with their shed (and their building experience).

An Exciting Dream That Almost Ended Before It Began
Craig Rutledge invested in Outdoor Steel Solutions 20 years ago with the dream of being the best shed company in Regional Victoria. And with a flood or early sales, things looked promising. Until the complaints rolled in.
There was nothing wrong with the sheds Craig sold. They were made from 100% Australian steel and delivered to site on time as promised. The problems began after customers purchased.
Many struggled to obtain approval permits. Spending months of frustration going back and forth with council. Speaking with someone different each time. Taking days off work for site visits and constant requests from council.
And when their shed was finally approved, they struggled to find concrete and building contractors to erect their shed. They suffered months of broken promises, endless delays, and shoddy workmanship that left them with a shed riddled with defects.
Devastation Gave Birth To Opportunity
Craig was devastated. This is not the company he dreamed of creating. He felt terrible for his customers and resolved to do whatever was necessary to make things right.
Looking for answers, Craig realised he was not the only shed company facing these challenges. It’s just that other shed companies accepted this as normal. They seemed satisfied to make money merely by selling sheds (whether their customers were happy or not).
And that’s when he decided to take full control. No longer would he leave the approval and building process to third parties. He would provide a complete service for customers.
From Shed Salesman To Registered Builder
Craig dedicated the next two years to becoming a Registered Builder. That enabled him to employ experienced tradespeople (not contractors – permanent staff) he could count on (and keep accountable) to build his sheds.
Then he assembled a team of in-house specialists to handle all the logistics (especially the approval process).
And he developed detailed processes and systems to guide every step through design, approval and construction.
He moved from merely selling sheds, to providing a complete done-for-you service. And it worked. With this infrastructure in place, he was able to achieve his dream of delivering premium custom sheds – on time, within budget, and without stress.
Daily Devotion To Getting Better And Better
Twenty years later, Craig’s team has grown to more than 40 dedicated professionals across five locations throughout Regional Victoria. We’ve developed processes and introduced software systems to provide customers with even more comprehensive service. And dedicate time every day to continually improve including:
What Type Of Shed (And Building Experience) Are You Looking For?
If you’re happy to buy a generic, catalogue shed that you try to make fit your needs… for an unrealistically low price that is likely to double (or more) once you add in extras (and construction)… struggle for months trying to get permits… and then roll the dice on unknown contractors with their broken promises, long delays, and shoddy workmanship that leaves you with a shed riddled with defects… there are dozens of shed companies who will take your money (we know, because as you have just discovered, these are the issues we struggled with when we first started 20 years ago).
But… if you want a customised shed, with every aspect skilfully planned (by an experienced Shed Designer) to meet your exact needs… built with precision and pride (by expert shed builders)… with everything including council permits arranged for you… delivered on time, within budget, without stress… we’d love to help.
Whether you’re ready to build, or still researching and refining your ideas, we invite you to have a Free Design Consultation where we will answer your questions and share our 20+ years of experience to help you avoid unwanted surprises and get the exact custom shed you want.